Thursday, January 26, 2012

Freeze it in the Summer

From the Birds and Bloom Magazine this little bit of wisdom is sure to please you. 

Shelly Jeanne's arrangement
 Birds and Blooms Gardening online edition

Frugal Backyard Tip

A Taste of Summer

In the summertime, I collect rainwater in containers, transfer the water into zipperlock freezer bags and store them in my extra freezer. In winter, when I need to water my houseplants, I set out a few bags to thaw and give my indoor plants a taste of summer in the winter. –Patti Cichy, Round Lake, Illinois

My Mom used to scoop snow and put it in her houseplants all during the winter and let it melt to water them. They loved it - even though it seemed they shouldn't like the chill of it.

Can't beat rain water for giving your plants a boost. Try it.

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